It’s a lazy “throw away” America, don’t quit & try to work it out

I posted a communication with a client on FB which had good and bad in it. The good: they were looking for help. The bad: they didn’t THINK before getting into the situation. The worse: they put the dog on an app to rehome it before trying. The silver lining: they found a home for it (although I’m quite frankly worried I might find out the person who wanted it, who said they would get training for the “issues”, might back out, and at that point what would this person do with the dog?), and although having dogs in his family realizes he needs help to raise the newer puppy he decided to get – again, off an app.

It’s so easy for us in America to just give up on something and throw it away. We don’t recycle/reuse enough, it’s easy enough to do. It’s more cost effective for us to trash things instead of fixing them these days (if it’s junk it’s junk, but that used to actually be something America used to try to salvage better too).

The terrible part of this wasteful mentality is it’s not just toward inanimate things (which actually effects our world, but that’s another long discussion).

We are that way to each other and animals – living things! There are great people out there trying to do what they can – shelter employees, animal rescues, many individuals & groups doing great things, volunteers and people who donate to all these places … and yet we are still outnumbered by the ThrowAwayers!!

In Everything you do, pause and ask yourself if you did enough to prevent the tough choice to quit/move on. If so, can you help anyone you come in contact with to better themselves by sharing your knowledge/experience.

Make things and people better (because we can be better), any way you can/feel comfortable with … especially when it comes to fellow animals we share the world with!


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